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» »Unlabelled » Cooling System, Kapolres Ponorogo Silaturahmi dengan PC PMII Pasca Pungut Suara Pemilu 2024

 PONOROGO - Ponorogo Police Chief, AKBP Anton Prasetyo, SH, SIK, M.Si, held a meeting with the Ponorogo branch of the Indonesian Islamic Student Movement (PC PMII), Monday (19/2/2024).

During the meeting, AKBP Anton Prasetyo expressed his thanks to the students who attended in order to maintain the relationship between the Ponorogo Police and students.

AKBP Anton also emphasized the police's support for student activities, especially in monitoring social issues.

"It is important to channel people's aspirations through the right channels and express the police's readiness to support the government in making policies that are pro-people," said AKBP Anton.

According to AKBP Anton, considering the conflict between pencak silat schools in Ponorogo and issues involving the younger generation, PMII's role in providing education to young people to be more mature in responding to differences is very important.

"The role of fellow students is very important in providing education to the younger generation for the progress of the nation," said AKBP Anton.

Following the 2024 elections, AKBP Anton invited students to play an active role in the 'cooling system' to create stability, security and public order in Ponorogo Regency.

"We hope that the cooling system in the 2024 Election will also be carried out by PMII colleagues so that in responding to the Election, which is currently waiting for the results, it will remain cool so that security and social security conduciveness will be maintained," concluded AKBP Anton.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of PC PMII Ponorogo, Khoiri Zainul Azis, S.Pd, stated that a new management had been appointed and this meeting was the first step in building synergy. 

"He hopes that this collaboration will continue and support the Police Chief's policies in fostering security and public order, as well as in law enforcement, and we are ready to do that," said Khoiri Zainul.

The chairman of PC PMII Ponorogo also hopes that the synergy between student organizations and the police will be maintained, so that every student activity will also receive assistance, especially in terms of security. (*)

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